Welcome to the very positive sounding 2014!
That number has an optimistic ring to it! So let’s ensure we make the most of it! January is the perfect time to reflect and implement changes to ensure a healthier self.
Continue Reading →That number has an optimistic ring to it! So let’s ensure we make the most of it! January is the perfect time to reflect and implement changes to ensure a healthier self.
Continue Reading →Do you suffer from abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea or bloating? Have you been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome but are no nearer to finding a solution? Since a bad dose of ‘traveller’s belly’, have your ‘insides’ never been the same? Do you suspect you may be intolerant to certain foods?
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Are you always tired? Do you lie awake worrying at night? Do you crave chocolate or coffee in that mid afternoon energy slump?
Continue Reading →There is an old saying, “If you don’t make time for your health now, you had better make time to get sick later”! Habitual justifications and beliefs, such as “I need my afternoon coffee to get me through”, or “I have no time to exercise”, or “all my family members have had a weight problem”, have a nasty way of becoming true the longer you refuse to challenge them.
Continue Reading →Bad breath (or halitosis) is normally caused by a malfunction somewhere along the gastrointestinal tract – either a faulty digestive system or poor mouth hygiene. The usual suspects causing halitosis are:
Continue Reading →One of my favourite vegetables (other than the much maligned Brussels sprout!) is the beetroot. What colour, what texture, what versatility and what taste! The beetroot contains powerful antioxidants called betalains. This is what also gives the beet its astonishing colour.
Continue Reading →As many of you know I am not a great fan of high protein, no carbohydrate diets. (Unbalanced, constipating, unsustainable long term, and not great for your kidneys.) However there seems to be a great deal of absentminded grain grazing going on!
Continue Reading →A few weeks ago out of the blue, I found much to my astonishment I couldn’t raise my right arm above my head, couldn’t even get it to shoulder level. And the pain was excruciating. This injury came out of nowhere. I hadn’t been lifting weights, certainly hadn’t performed any backflips, and definitely can’t recall doing any head stands!
Continue Reading →I am not going anywhere! Yes, I’m forging on over the Christmas/New Year festive season. NO holidays for me. And believe me I can hear you all saying well, “you hardly deserve a holiday you France-hopping naturopath!” So I shall be sitting resolutely at my desk every day except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New […]
Continue Reading →When Melbourne naturopath Jill Thomas decided to write a short booklet about fatigue and sell it through her clinic, she couldn’t have imagined the wheels she was setting in motion. Major book deals, readers around the world and the chance to practise each year in Paris were a taste of what was to follow. Wellspring […]
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