Jill’s Carrot and Roasted Seed Mix Soup
Here it is, my entrant in the Soup Challenge … with a shaking typing hand, I submit my final entry!!
Here it is, my entrant in the Soup Challenge … with a shaking typing hand, I submit my final entry!!
I hate writing these sort of notes, but please do remember I do need and ask for 24 hours’ notice prior to cancellation, otherwise the full consultation fee will be charged. I can always fill a cancellation, but not if I don’t know about it! Thanks for taking this small request on board …
Continue Reading →Choosing a gift for friends and loved ones can be a tricky task but have you considered giving them a gift of good health? Gift vouchers are available from the clinic – just contact me for details.
Continue Reading →I’m going to power on through the Christmas–New Year holiday break. No stopping for this naturopath!
I can almost hear you all saying, “well so she should, she’s been in France half the year!”
The role of environmental compounds with oestrogenic activity in the development of male reproductive disorders has recently received a great deal of attention. Indeed,several studies have linked cow’s milk consumption and high protein and fat intake with prostate cancer.
Herpes simplex is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (oral-facial herpes) and the type 2 (genital herpes), however both types can cause genital and oral-facial. It is believed that 90% of adults have antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) however, most individuals do not have any or only minimal symptoms.
The Healthy Gut Guide’s Seed Mix is now available in 500 g packets from the clinic. Just add 3– 4 tablespoons to stewed or raw fruit, yoghurt, oats or brown rice and increase your daily dietary fibre by a very impressive 15.5 grams!
Roast the capsicum, garlic (in skin, then pop out of their skin when taken out of oven), tomatoes, onion till soft and fragrant, then transfer to a soup pot. Add the remaining ingredients (except the basil) and cook well, then add most of the basil, puree, serve with more fresh basil. Read more for full ingredients list.
Unfortunately due to a new computer programme and changes by my printer (no longer able to fold letters!) this will be the last newsletter sent by normal mail. So to all my lovely clients who currently still receive my newsletters by post, could you advise me of your email address, or if you don’t have […]
Continue Reading → “Genes load the gun, environment pulls the trigger”
My recent trip to Paris happily coincided with a conference I was fortunate to be able to attend entitled “Thérapies Nutritionnelles de Pointe pour une Meilleure Qualité de Vie”, in other (English) words, “Functional Medicine Solutions to Chronic Diseases”. To my great advantage it was also mainly in English with simultaneous French translation so I didn’t need my French/English dictionary at my side for once!
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