Seed Mix
Fresh batches of my nutritious and delicious seed mix (made up of sesame, linseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds) have just arrived. Used whole on top of your favourite healthy cereal provides an additional 15 g fibre!
Continue Reading →Fresh batches of my nutritious and delicious seed mix (made up of sesame, linseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds) have just arrived. Used whole on top of your favourite healthy cereal provides an additional 15 g fibre!
Continue Reading →Blossom-filled trees, jasmine scented air, birds singing sweetly early in the morning and longer, warmer days. What more could we possible want?
Continue Reading →Shock…horror!! A few of my lovely patients have recently uttered the most astonishing sentiments… They have told me in a resolute manner that they “hate exercise”! Not exactly music to my ears! What they really mean is that they dislike a particular form of exercise, perhaps jogging or the gym. It is impossible to hate all exercise!
Continue Reading →Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common infectious vaginitis, with a prevalence of 20% in women of reproductive age. BV is often described as a microbial imbalance with lactobacilli deficiency being the most significant factor, as there is no clear route of infection or single aetiological agent.
Continue Reading →Leisure sickness is a relatively new area of research and in a pilot study investigating its prevalence, phenomenology, and background, Vingerhoets et al. identified risk factors to be a high workload, the inability to adapt to a non‑working situation (sad but true), a need for high achievement, and a sense of responsibility with respect to work.
Continue Reading →Yes, it’s that time of year again, I’m off to my beloved France for my yearly topup of the French countryside! As many of you know, I have a mild, okay let’s be honest, major addiction to this stunning country and I find regular visits crucial to my wellbeing!
And this time … how do I put this … best to just blurt it out, I’ll be away a little longer than usual. My last day of practice will be Saturday 17 June, returning Tuesday 12 September 2017.
After much prompting, prodding and, nagging, I am delighted to report I did indeed receive a decent number of most imaginative entries for my leafy competition. Thanks to all those who sent in their original recipes. I had a wonderful time preparing each dish, and even lovelier time consuming them!
Continue Reading →May is the last month of our wonderful autumn, so let’s make the most of it! Enjoy the delicious array of late autumnal fruits, such as firm yellow and pink plums, bright orange persimmons, crimson pomegranates . . . all reflecting the colours of the spectacular sunrises and sunsets this time of year!
Continue Reading →Okay, we have all had enough of the ME generation. Self-absorption, disconnection, love oneself . . . you know the traits! And it’s not just the reserve of a particular generation. I think we can all admit to becoming, at times, a little less embracing and connected to others given the plethora of distracting technology.
Continue Reading →Healthy vaginal flora typically consists of primarily lactobacillus species, which are critical for the prevention of colonization by pathogenic microorganisms. Lactobacilli produce antimicrobial substances such as hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocin-like substances, and forms biofilms which competitively inhibit the growth of pathogens.
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