Paris Consulting
I shall be available for naturopathic consultations in Paris on Thursday 20th September, Friday 21st September and Saturday 22nd September 2012.
I shall be available for naturopathic consultations in Paris on Thursday 20th September, Friday 21st September and Saturday 22nd September 2012.
Yes, I can hear you all groaning… “I bet she’s sneaking off to France again!” Errhh, well…you’re right! But I’m only away for three weeks.
Many of you are aware that an iris analysis can reveal quite a lot about the state of our stomachs (as well as most major organs and the nervous and respiratory system) and unfortunately often confirms a diet that is far too acidic.
The healing powers long associated with oats probably derived from the grain’s high nutritional value. Oats contain more essential fatty acids than most grains, and are an excellent source of B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium and calcium, as well as high levels of silica and vitamin E.
Once upon a time, humans spent their days, hunting and gathering food all of which was conducted outdoors bathed in sunshine or moonlight … and nearly all skin was exposed to sunlight, and therefore able to synthesize vitamin D. We are designed to be exposed to far greater amounts of sunlight than we receive now.
You may remember an article I wrote in an earlier newsletter regarding the association of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and an increased risk for men of developing prostate cancer.
Sage extract: A simple remedy you can prepare at home for the treatment of hot flushes and sweating.
Nip those colds in the bud! I have seen some very severe cases of bad colds and ’flu in the clinic this winter. Best to take a few preventative measures now. Don’t let’s play host to unwelcome viruses.
The Healthy Gut Guide and, Mai Piu Stanche! or a rough English translation “Never again tired!” are still available for purchase from the clinic and Revive is available online and from some book stores.
Continue Reading →Try to obtain organic vegetables wherever possible, these will naturally be richer in all nutrients as well as have increased enzyme power.