Medicinal or poisonous choices
Food is indeed medicine, it can however also be a slow form of poison!
Continue Reading →Food is indeed medicine, it can however also be a slow form of poison!
Continue Reading →Magnesium is probably one of the most important minerals for optimal human health. It is one of the most highly prescribed minerals in my practice.
Continue Reading →Magnolia (Magnolia officinalis) is a deciduous tree endowed with large fragrant flowers, and is native to the mountains and valleys of China.
Continue Reading →Repeat after me, “Hara hachi bu, hara hachi bu”. Yep, that’s our March mantra! This is an ancient Confucian saying, meaning eat until you are 80% full.
Continue Reading →A recent study (the VITACOG study) conducted at the University of Oxford has shown that B vitamins appear to slow cognitive and clinical decline in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Continue Reading →Okay, after all that talk about gluten, wheat and dairy, let’s do it! No gluten or dairy for six weeks!
Continue Reading →Many of you would have already at some stage attempted a wheat exclusion diet along the road to good health, and no doubt discovered this grain is insidious! And for those about to take the non-wheat diet challenge take note!
Continue Reading →Gluten is the main protein component of cereal grains – wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, oats and triticale. Semolina, bulgur, kamut, couscous and spelt being wheat derivatives or relatives also contain gluten.
Continue Reading →Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity does exist! Many of my patients can attest to the happy fact that when they have excluded gluten, especially wheat from their diet, they have never felt better.
Continue Reading →When you have a moment do have a quick glance at my new-look website. It’s been totally overhauled, and if I can modestly say, it’s pretty peachy! And for all my French speaking clients, it can now be read in French! Oui, just click preferred language et voilà, on peut le lire en français! Bonne […]
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