Zinc’s serviceability

Very few of you would have made it through a consultation with me, without being forced to complete the zinc taste perception test! You know the drill, hold liquid zinc in your mouth for ten seconds, swallow, and describe the taste. When I hear, “It tastes like water or sweet,” I try not to wince, and suggest we need to implement zinc supplementation ASAP!
Why do I submit so many of you to the taste taste? Mainly due to the well-established fact that zinc is one of the most
important minerals for human health. It is used in more than 300 enzyme reactions and has been shown to have positive results in reproductive health and fertility (improves quality and quantity of sperm), eye health (improves night blindness and slows down aged-related macular degeneration), dermatology (significantly improves acne vulgaris), immunology (reduces the duration of cold and flu symptoms, and prevents the reoccurrence of viral and bacterial infections), neurology (studies have demonstrated benefits in OCD and ADHD), hepatology (decreases serum and liver copper in liver cirrhosis), metabolic health (improves blood lipids and blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes), as well as natal growth and development (zinc has shown to improve gestational age, birth weight and size).
Various forms of supplemental zinc are available, each with varying bioavailability. Zinc citrate and zinc glycinate have
demonstrated superior bioavailability and low gastric irritability. Whereas zinc sulphate, zinc oxide and zinc carbonate have very poor bioavailability, are poorly tolerated and can cause gastric upset.
Ideally zinc should be taken away from foods high in phytates (grains, legumes and nuts) and oxalates (spinach, berries and chocolate and whole grains), as these bind zinc. Zinc can be taken with meat, fish, eggs, sprouted or fermented vegetables.
Mild zinc deficiency dosage requires supplementation of 22–33 mg for men and 16–24 mg for women, and moderate
deficiency 44–55 mg for men and 32–40 mg for women. Dosage and supplement duration will vary however with specific conditions.