Wishing you all the most delightful Christmas ever!

Let’s just relax and think of all our blessings… family, friends, pets, our health, our connections to an inner life.
As much as I nag, harp on, badger, some may even go so far as to say torment… only in your very best interests… I am truly grateful I have such wonderful patients! So thank you for your persistence, determination, hard work and focus in 2013.
But… I can’t help myself…don’t go overboard on Christmas day! Promise me to keep all animal proteins to one on the day (ha, ha that will be tricky!), no mixing turkey, seafood, ham and cheese. A gastrointestinal nightmare! And don’t polish off the meal with a large slice of Christmas pudding. Save it for the next day and have it for breakfast with some good quality yoghurt.
Joyeux Noel a tous!