Welcome to the very positive sounding 2014!

That number has an optimistic ring to it! So let’s ensure we make the most of it! January is the perfect time to reflect and implement changes to ensure a healthier self.
Don’t try to make too many resolutions, just pick one of the most important issues you wish to resolve once and for all, and apply all matter of force to it!
Mine, is to increase my running distance. I have rather lazily been running the same old 6.3 km for years. I know I can do better, so this is it! Every week I have to run a little further until I’m up to 10 km. There, damn it, I’ve publically declared it now, so I’m not going to look like a very good naturopath if I don’t live up to my resolution!
What is yours? Lose a few kilos? Start exercising? Give up dairy and wheat (see right). Drink more water. Change your exercise regime? Happy to hear and share!
This month’s mantra is “Action is the key to all success!” No doubt about that!