Vegan fish oil?

Up to 80% of Australians are not meeting the recommended daily intake for Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
Omega-3s (EPA and DHA), play key roles in the body being strongly anti-inflammatory (reduces joint pain and inflammation), protective of the cell membrane, have a positive impact on brain (affects mood and cognition) and cardiovascular (decrease cholesterol and maintain triglycerides at normal levels) as well as reproductive and musculoskeletal systems. Although dietary intake is indeed important (oily fish), enzymatic conversion in the body to yield EPA and DHA is inefficient. Supplementation is important. An essential component of our daily supplement repertoire.
However, many of my lovely vegan and vegetarian patients have struggled with the fish oil dilemma. And indeed many of my non-vegetarian clients sometimes report an unpleasant fishy hiccup!
Do not despair, seaweed to the rescue!
Finally we now have available a high purity, sustainably sourced vegan DHA and EPA. Algal oil is derived from Schizochytrium algal. The product I am currently prescribing in my clinic is derived from an algae grown under controlled conditions ensuring the algae are not exposed to environmental contaminants in the oceans and is rigorously screened for contaminants such as heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic). Each capsule contains almost 100 mg of algal oil of which DHA is 300 mg and EPA 150 mg.
Algae-rich EFAs exert the same therapeutic benefits as EPA and DHA derived from traditional fish oil.
DHA is integral to the neural membrane composition of the brain, retina and neural tissues making it an essential prescription for people affected by memory or vision related conditions. It is critical for brain growth, which is rapid from the third trimester of pregnancy until 18 months after birth. DHA is conferred to infants via the placenta and breastfeeding, however human breast milk levels of DHA have shown variations relating to maternal dietary intake.
Algae-rich EFAs exert the same therapeutic benefits as EPA and DHA derived from
traditional fish oil.
DHA is integral to the neural membrane composition of the brain, retina and neural
tissues making it an essential prescription for people affected by memory or
vision related conditions. It is critical for brain growth, which is rapid from the third
trimester of pregnancy until 18 months after birth. DHA is conferred to infants via
the placenta and breastfeeding, however human breast milk levels of DHA have
shown variations relating to maternal dietary intake.