Unexpected kindness

We all know that giving is far more rewarding than receiving. Small gestures can make a big difference to someone’s day.
A few weeks ago, after returning from the clinic there was a beautiful bowl of freshly cut gardenias on my doorstep. My thoughtful next-door neighbour had left them for me. No particular reason other than graciously sharing beauty from their garden.
Not only did this unexpected gift make me feel extremely grateful for being surrounded by such kind neighbours, but my whole house was gently perfumed by the heavenly scent of these stunning flowers for weeks! (The same neighbours left two tins of butter beans at my front door during the lockdowns, when I complained my favourite beans were nowhere to be found!)
Let’s all make a big effort to be even kinder!
We could offer to take an elderly neighbour shopping, or how about mowing the whole street’s nature strip rather than our own little section? Sharing some zinc and vitamin C with a friend who has a very bad cold. Giving a gift voucher of tickets to the local cinema to a couple we know cannot afford to get out very much. Taking more time to stop and chat to the elderly living alone in our neighbourhood …the list is endless!
Autumnal altruism is on the move!
Take good care,