Two feet and a heartbeat that’s all you need to exercise!

By now I am sure you have all taken on board my New Year Resolution suggestion of eating according to nutritional value rather than desire . . . so that’s our diet sorted.
Now it’s time to tackle fitness. Thirty minutes per day of using our feet and heart in a constructive way is all we need, and I challenge anyone who says they haven’t the time, to get in touch. I’ll find them thirty spare minutes somewhere in their busy schedule!!
Perhaps we may sacrifice half an hour of sleep, easy to do. Or maybe there will be less time social chit-chatting, or a small reduction in television perusing or net surfing?!
This month’s challenge is to simply start . ..yes, just put those runners on and get going. Don’t hesitate and definitely do not listen to that menacing silent saboteur lurking in your psyche, telling you that you are too tired! It’s not true.
The reward will be increased energy, better cardiovascular fitness, increased sleekness, better circulation, faster metabolic rates, and lots of moodenhancing neurotransmitters.
How can anyone hesitate at the front door, with such benefits?!
See you in your runners and best walking/running gear on a pavement or park near you soon then!