Transformed my health…
My digestion problems started with mysterious pains in my stomach as a child and progressed to the most embarrassing symptoms you could imagine twenty years later. I still wince when I think about how awful it was. Things got so bad I went to the doctor and was yet again told I had IBS and advised to take peppermint capsules. I accepted this diagnosis as I genuinely believed I had a healthy diet – I ate lots of fruit, vegetables and yoghurt after all. I had no idea that what I was eating was the problem.
Finding Jill’s book in a shop was one of the luckiest things that ever happened to me and as soon as I got to the chapter about fructose it all made sense. I had heard of lactose intolerance but I had no idea what fructose even was apart from the dreaded high fructose corn syrup.
I started phone consultations with Jill and immediately things started to improve. Alongside the lactose free and low fructose diet I was placed on a course of vitamins, digestive enzymes and probiotics. My bloated stomach disappeared, I didn’t have to run to the toilet ten times a day and the stabbing cramps also melted away. But what I didn’t expect was all the little knock on positive effects like lots of hair growing back (I didn’t realise how much had fallen out), losing a few unwanted pounds and no more spots. Giving up fructose was not easy and a lot of tears were shed saying goodbye to wheat (toasted cheese sandwiches especially) but it is worth it and I don’t miss the toasties anymore! Working with Jill has transformed my health and I am hugely thankful for the changes she has made to my life.
~ Andrea