Tofu Tales

Tofu does not need to be cooked, it is quite delicious cut up in a salad or in a sandwich or even better mashed with avocado or baked sweet potato and used as a spread or dip. It is of course delicious in stir fries and added to baked vegetables and is especially flavoursome if marinated in tamari and fresh herbs, prior to being added to a stir-fry.
Tofu-Tahini Dressing
- 100 g tofu
- 2 tablespoons unhulled tahini
- 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 3 tablespoons filtered water
- 1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
- ½ bunch coriander or parsley
Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree at high speed until creamy.
This dressing is a delightful addition to a plate of steamed vegetables providing an easily digestible form of good quality protein with a high calcium content.