To do list!

Let’s not start the New Year with a “wish list”.
Let’s begin instead with an “action plan”… a “to do list”!
Wishing is simply not enough. No more “I wish I could lose weight”, “I wish I had more energy”, “I wish I could stop eating chocolate”…that’s just dillydallying. The next time we catch ourselves wishing for something, immediately replace it with an achievable action plan.
No more selfsabotaging wishy washy self-talk!
For instance, a wish I hear expressed far too frequently is “I wish I had more time to exercise.”
Well let’s replace it with the far more positive thought, “How can I implement an exercise regime?” Get up earlier, use your lunch break, spend less time on social media, watch less television … You get the idea …
Let’s decidedly make 2015 the year of non-procrastination, and determinedly commit to a year of positive action!