The U generation!

Okay, we have all had enough of the ME generation. Self-absorption, disconnection, love oneself . . . you know the traits! And it’s not just the reserve of a particular generation. I think we can all admit to becoming, at times, a little less embracing and connected to others given the plethora of distracting technology.
I am proposing a new start for us all… ‘The U Gen’.
The U Gen will focus on others. You rather than me. Not to the detriment of getting on in life and achieving goals, but concurrently, taking a non-selfish approach to others.
Stand up on the train or tram if there is someone less able than yourself, stop at pedestrian crossings and give way with patience. Stop rushing, and be more considerate. Take your earplugs out of your ears, and talk to your companion. Visit elderly relatives and give time with compassion and patience. Mow your neighbour’s nature strip, rather than stopping at your house boundary. Talk to the salesperson with respect and interest.
Such kind behaviour is even good for our health! It all adds up to less cortisol, less stress, less rushing and a reassuring sense of living a more compassionate life. An excellent incentive to start up a new generation encompassing us all.