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The snack attack!

The French government, in 2007, ordered food advertisements to carry cautions telling the French to stop snacking (and to exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables). Quite a sensible measure I thought! 

I know I do berate a lot of you about too much snacking, but it has to stop! We do not need to munch our way through each day. It is important to feel hungry for our meals.

If we are eating three small meals a day (big tick to all those who are) two small, healthy snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon is all that should be consumed. This is a sensible way of reducing overeating at our next main meal by gently quelling those hunger pains.

Let’s briefly chat about some unusual, interesting snacks.

How about a boiled egg spread with vegemite and avocado (many of you know this in one of my favourites, as well as baked Brussels sprouts and a smidge of tahini…yum!) Or roasted vegetables – think fennel, zucchini, sweet potato and carrot, dipped into low-fat natural yoghurt with a touch of crushed garlic. A slice of free-range organic turkey spread with avocado. A wrap made up of a large soft lettuce leaf stuffed with roast broccoli and a dab of yoghurt. How about a semi-dried date stuffed with strawberries and yoghurt? Or a baked apple with a sprinkling of mixed toasted seeds.

So, let’s all keep our snacking to a minimum, put an end to that snack trap and be a little inventive in doing so!

Take good care,

                                                                                         – Jill

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