The Real Cost of the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP)

The OCP depletes women of a number of essential nutrients, many of which are important to prevent PMS.
• B group vitamins. The Pill interferes with the metabolism of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, depression, irritability, memory loss, fluid retention and poor sleep.
• Folate. The Pill reduces folic acid, which is essential for cell division. This is an important consideration if conception occurs too soon after discontinuation of the Pill, as folic acid deficiency increases the risk of growth abnormalities such as spina bifida. It can also result in anaemia and cervical cell abnormalities.
•Vitamin C. The Pill causes vitamin C levels to drop by 30 per cent.
• Vitamin E. Plasma levels of vitamin E in OCP users drop by approx 20 per cent. The Pill also increases the risk of stroke, one of the very things vitamin E helps to prevent.
• Copper. Levels actually rise in Pill users. And increased levels an disrupt vitamin C, molybdenum and zinc.
The lesson being, try to avoid using the OCP whenever possible, but if you do choose to take it, ensure you also take a very good quality multivitamin as well, and keep your liver in tip-top condition.
And furthermore…OCP and sexual problems.
The Jnl of Sexual Medicine (2010;7:2139-2148) reports that women on the OCP are likelier to have some form of sexual dysfunction.
German research shows that more than 1000 female students were asked about sexual dysfunction, including problems with desire, satisfaction, lubrication, and arousal or achieving orgasm. Hormonal contraception was linked to higher levels of sexual dysfunction than no contraception and non-hormonal contraception only.