The Power of One!

Yes, one small achievable New Year resolution! That has a positively successful ring to it, doesn’t it?
Resolutions are frequently abandoned due to the overwhelming number of them. So we are all going to nominate just one thing which will improve our health and pursue it with determination and enthusiasm all year long!
It could be as easy as giving up chocolate (don’t worry, I can hear you screaming, “easy she says!!”) eating less red meat, using less chemicals in the house, devoting time to meditation or improving or expanding your exercise regime. (Or worst case scenario, starting an exercise routine!)
As many of you will recall, my attempt last year was to hold the plank (yuk)! for a minute…my least favourite exercise other than the dreaded burpee! Well, I can share with you that after many inelegant, shaky attempts and some seriously unglamorous belly flops…I did it! I can boastfully also inform you I got up to five minutes…once!
So this year’s one resolution (other than some extended French sojourns for good mental health), is aiming to perform twenty x 5 kilo tricep extensions and without a slight snarling curl of my lip. Don’t laugh, many of you will find this easy peasy, but tricep strength is not my forté… obviously!