The morning count!

2023 has a certain vibrant sense of freedom, so let’s seize the year with determined enthusiasm!
For all my lovely clients who would love to walk a little further and more frequently, improve muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness…but cannot seem to find the motivation to do so… I have a tip! A hint! A suggestion!
How can we make it easier to open that front door and with a spring in our step, embark enthusiastically on a brisk morning or evening walk?
Each day as I begin my early morning walk, I decide with glee what beautiful creatures I shall encounter and count. (I even have an Excel spreadsheet to cross reference and compare my daily encounters!)
A favourite of mine, a Covid leftover (there is always a silver lining), is to count the number of kelpies, greyhounds, dachshunds, whippets and Italian greyhounds I see along my way.
If I have chosen a kelpie for the day doggy count and sadly have not met one with 30 minutes remaining of my walk (a rarity to my great relief!), I switch to greyhounds. No chance of not spotting one of these gentle and elegant members of the dog world!
As many of you know, I have a particular fondness for tabby cats, so this is also one of my most frequent count choices. However, these encounters do slow me down a tad, as I can’t resist playing roly poly with my furry felines.
Other days, it may be magpies, wattlebirds or blackbirds. No problem of a no-show! These magnificent feathery songbirds are in glorious abundance.
Recently I have included the esteemed bottlebrush tree and the iconic Jacaranda into my countable list.
So, what will your terrestrial incentive choice be? I can guarantee not only will you walk farther but will return home invigorated and enlivened by having engaged with other sentient beings in your neck of the woods. Go tabbies!