The incidental exerciser

Amazingly a study at the Mayo clinic has discovered that Non- Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) can increase calorie expenditure by 100 calories per day! Multiply that by 365 days and we can burn away 36,500 calories per annum!
Walk when you talk on the phone, park your car farther away from the station, or get out of the board room and have walking meetings.
And always choose the stair option, say goodbye to the elevator and escalator. You can burn one calorie with every step. . . that adds up over time!
Hand washing the dishes and hand washing clothes and walking rather than driving to the local shop can add up to a whopping 5 kilo weight loss over a year!
Imagine how much we could lose if we pace (on the spot naturally!) and hand wash at the same time?
Please feel free to add your own nicely NEAT ideas!