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The good old Seed Mix!

The good old Seed Mix!

Many of you have been enjoying my Seed Mix over the years, great on oats soaked overnight with yoghurt and berries, delicious toasted and sprinkled on salads for a nice crunch factor and very tasty when mixed into an avocado and yoghurt dressing. There is a plethora of delicious ways to use these demure seeds.

Unfortunately, the company who puts together my Seed Mix has ceased packaging this particular product but we can still always make our own!

Jill’s Healthy Gut Guide Seed Mix

250 g sesame seeds

250 g pumpkin seeds

250 g linseeds/flaxseeds

250 g sunflower seeds

Mix all ingredients together and store in airtight container in the fridge.

If you prefer a smoother blend you can blend half the seeds in a blender and then add the remaining seeds.

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