The fruitful beet

One of my favourite vegetables (other than the much maligned Brussels sprout!) is the beetroot. What colour, what texture, what versatility and what taste! The beetroot contains powerful antioxidants called betalains. This is what also gives the beet its astonishing colour. A study analysing patients with bowel cancer found that beetroot juice prevents the formation of carcinogenic compounds in the stomach, and that the betanin in beetroot causes cell death in human leukaemia cells. Beetroot is also an excellent source of betaine, which enhances folate’s ability to lower homocysteine levels, a known risk factor in heart disease. Beetroot also contains nitrate, which the body converts to nitrite, which is cardioprotective. Indeed, in one study volunteers’ blood pressure was measured before and after drinking beetroot juice and researchers found that both systolic and diastolic readings were dramatically reduced.
As a good source of the soluble fibre pectin, beetroot has also been shown to reduce total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. It also reduces bile acid found in faecal matter. High levels of faecal bile acid increases the bowel cancer risk by up to 30%.
Indeed in a study published in The Journal of Applied Physiology researchers investigated the effects of nitrate supplementation in the form of beetroot juice, on the ability of people to perform high-intensity exercise and their use of oxygen during exercise. It concluded that the high nitrate concentration in beetroot improved the way muscles use oxygen. “Drinking beetroot juice can increase stamina,
allowing athletes to exercise for longer.”
Be aware however, that 14% of people cannot break down the red pigment betacyanin, so if your urine turns red after eating beetroot, don’t panic, it’s only the pigment coming through, so to speak!
Beetroot sesame salad
This is one of my favourite salads, delectably delicious, has a great crunch factor and is also aesthetically pleasing, all that crimson and orange!
1 large beetroot, washed and peeled
2 large carrots scrubbed
juice of one orange
1 tablespoon of organic tahini
3 tablespoons organic, unhulled sesame seeds
Coarsely grate the beetroot and carrots and combine. Place tahini and orange juice in glass jar and shake vigorously. Pour over beetroot mix. Dry roast sesame seeds over a high heat until they turn golden brown.
Season salad with Celtic salt and ground pepper, and pile sesame seeds attractively on top. Add a sprig of fresh coriander.
This is delicious served with a yoghurt dip on the side.