The exercise smile

Yes, I know when it’s cold and dark outside, and the doona is warm and bed is snug, it can be a challenge to jump out of bed, into your trakkies and hit the gym, pool or your regular running route.
But, we shall always have winter, and exercise cannot afford to be seasonally interrupted.
A technique for you to consider when that inner saboteur says “but it’s too cold!” is the smile tactic.
Try putting a smile on your face, yes, even at 4.30 am in the morning if necessary, and leap out of bed with a joyful bounce to your step and hit the road. Seriously it does work, silence those negative thoughts with an upward movement of the lips!
I urge you all to try it tomorrow. When the alarm goes off, force a smile and don’t think twice.
Before you know it you’ll be in that cycle class, swimming those laps or pounding the pavement, and what’s more, you’ll be nicely warmed up to start your day.
“A smile is a curve that set’s everything straight!”