The dreaded 3 o’clock slump!

This tiring and common occurrence is normally due to a drop in blood sugar levels and a dip in circadian rhythms (our internal body clock if you like), which controls energy, appetite and sleep. Low blood sugar is normally a sure sign of dietary indiscretions!
Either we have not drunk enough water (two litres per day is essential) or we have consumed a diet too high in simple carbohydrates, such as ‘white carbs’ that is white bread, white pasta, white rice and potatoes, plus sweets, soft drinks, chocolate and caffeine. These foods create a spike in blood glucose levels and then a subsequent shaky crash, leaving us exhausted and looking for the next sugar or caffeine hit.
Eating breakfast daily (such as oats) and regular meals composed of complex carbohydrates (multigrain bread or brown rice, fruit, vegetables) and good quality protein (salmon, eggs, tofu, hummus) and snacks, such as fruit, nuts or yoghurt spaced evenly throughout the day will ensure smooth sailing throughout the day. Avoid skipping meals (causes a drop on blood sugar) and big heavy ‘out to lunch’ lunches that take far too long to digest.
Get up and go for a brisk walk at lunch time, get some oxygen to the brain, and get that blood circulating to muscle and nerve cells, as well as some therapeutic sunshine. You’ll come back mentally refreshed, more alert and happier!
Protein power super salad
Fuel up the energy tank for the day with this delicious, easy to prepare protein packed, but high fibre salad.
200 g can organic chickpeas
200 g can organic kidney beans
4 egg whites and 2 yolks
1 small cucumber, peeled and diced
1/4 large fennel bulb, chopped
1 cup freshly podded peas
½ bunch coriander, chopped finely
½ bunch dill leaves, chopped
200 g sheep’s milk feta
1 tablespoon each of sunflower and pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon olive oil
Juice half a lemon
1 tablespoon Balsamic vinegar
1. Rinse and drain the chickpeas and kidney beans and place in a bowl. Lightly blanch the fresh peas for one minute in boiling water, drain and cool. Mix the lemon juice, olive oil and Balsamic vinegar with a good dash of freshly ground pepper and sea salt. Pour over the beans, cover and refrigerate overnight.
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the yolk and mix well. Pour into a hot non-stick frypan, and cook a few minutes on each side until lightly browned. Turn omelette onto a board and roll up. Cool and slice.
3. Add diced cucumber and fennel bulb to the bean mix, and add remaining ingredients, except the seeds.
4. Dry roast the seeds in a non-stick frypan, until they ‘pop’ and are nicely browned. Cool.
5. Crumble feta over the bean mix, and sprinkle seeds over the top. Garnish with extra dill and coriander.