The Chemistry of Plants

Organic crops will tend to have higher concentrations of phytonutrients than conventional crops.
The following foods are your best sources, and should be very regular features in your daily diet.
• Berries, including blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries, are rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins, and have the highest antioxidant activity of any plant food.
• Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts (don’t sneer, these little green bliss bombs are cruelly maligned!) are rich in glucosinolates, one of the best proven cancer-preventing components in vegetables.
• Dark green, red and orange vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenes, powerful antioxidants that are also anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, artery-protective and anti-tumour.
• Tomatoes and watermelons are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant beneficial in the prevention and treatment of breast and prostate cancers. (The lycopene is enhanced when tomatoes are cooked in olive oil.)
• Green tea and red wine are rich in polyphenols, potent antioxidants with cancer-protective and anti-ageing effects.
The plant kingdom offers us mere mortals a delicious array of health benefits in an attractive selection of colours and textures.. .let’s ensure all of the above, feature with enthusiastic regularity in every one of our daily meals.