
Balance is a very lovely word, and even better when incorporated into our daily lives. .. it ensures immense happiness! Let’s do a quick check this winter on how we are applying this concept to our lifestyles. Do we allow ourselves adequate “time-out”? When was the last time you read a chapter of a good book for an hour or so during the week, or when did you last place your phone on silent and enjoy a peaceful evening by yourself?
Or when did you last put weekend work commitments on hold to spend a day in the garden or exploring your local neighbourhood parks?
Likewise, bodywork is just as crucial as an excellent diet and exercise regime in maintaining vibrant health. Consider booking a monthly massage, a six-weekly osteopathic check-up or a day at a spa retreat. Or just find a little extra time for that sauna after gym or an extended stretch after a run or a relaxing warm bath with Epsom salts and candles. I guarantee the benefits of some scheduled time off, far outweigh the few minutes it takes to factor them into your life.