Spring delights!

Blossom-filled trees, jasmine scented air, birds singing sweetly early in the morning and longer, warmer days. What more could we possible want?
Aha! I know, to embrace springtime with an enthusiastic jump in our step. An outrageous determination to improve our health!
I can hear your cries now, “Oh no, off she goes again on her bandwagon to get us to perform the perfect burpee, hold the plank for 5 minutes or do a one-armed push-up!!”
No, no settle down, a simple challenge this month. Think of it as an edible 10,000 step challenge.
Our daily task is to eat three pieces of fruit and seven different veggies (or you could do two fruits and eight veggies).
And to make it as colourful as possible! Paint that plate with a palate of the brightest colours! Think orange, red, yellow, pink, green, purple…
What with all those antioxidants and live enzymes, we’ll be positively glowing and will most definitely have a healthy spring to our step!