Spring challenge winner

Thank you to all who sent in their personal goals for the spring challenge. You are a resourceful, inspiring lot! And I must say it was extremely difficult to choose a winner. You all deserve an elephant stamp for effort! Well done.
However the prize of a naturopathic consultation on the house, goes to Nancy Ohlert for her inventiveness. Nancy’s challenge involved a set of orange dumbbells which sit on her kitchen bench, nicely matching her display of oranges (extra points for artistic consideration). Every time she passed the dumbbells on the way to the kitchen, she had to pick them up and do a set of bicep curls, “in preparation for my summer sleeveless tops”.
Congratulations Nancy!
A special mention however must go to Scott Sutton who has been preparing all spring to achieve a goal he has had for some time, that is to complete the“Round the Bay in a Day” bike ride in late October. Hope all went well Scott!