Skin Deep

Chronic skin conditions include eczema, acne and psoriasis, all of which require an holistic approach with a focus on dietary and lifestyle factors.
General recommendations for treating chronic skin conditions include the following;
• eliminate refined flour and sugar products, avoid food preservatives, artificial flavours and colours.
• increase omega 3 fatty acids, such as oily fish and flaxseed oil.
• reduce or eliminate coffee, tea, alcohol, fried foods and saturated fats.
• increase fresh fruit and vegetable intake and reduce meat consumption to make the diet more alkaline.
• eliminate dairy.
• increase water to at least 2 litres per day.
• ensure a high fibre diet to support efficient elimination.
• consider taking zinc and vitamin E (patients with dermatitis, acne and psoriasis typically have low epidermal zinc concentrations).
• anti-inflammatory herbs such as echinacea, calendula, burdock, and yellow dock are classic ‘blood purifiers’.
• address any hormonal imbalance, such as PMS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. Herbs such as vitex, saw palmetto, black cohosh plus evening primrose oil, zinc and chromium can assist.