Silence is golden!

Too much noise out there! A valuable lesson I have taken away from my time in rural France is to lower the volume. Generally, the French speak quietly (no one would dare to answer their phones on TGVs), at cafés and bars no one talks loudly.
And, I have observed that the French are happy to sit with you and not expect continual chatter.
Of which, I am terribly guilty! A friend joined us at a bar in a small village and he was happy just to sit and watch the world go by. But me, Miss Chatterbox, felt the need to fill in all the gaps in conversation. (Even more challenging in French!) By the time our friend had left I was exhausted and realized I had not been listening attentively, too focused on what I was going to say next.
Let’s become more comfortable with just being in the presence of others in quiet appreciation of friendship and our surrounds.
On a similar note, let’s embrace silence, take those ear buds and ear plugs out! Don’t FaceTime in public places (especially public transport and cafés). Turn the radio off in the car and catch up with your thoughts.
Take your daily walk without your smart phone. Instead listen to the endearing chirping of our feathered friends, enjoy the scent of spring blossoms and smile at strangers as you pass by.
A quieter inner and outer world is an uplifting and tranquil tonic. Hush and peace and quiet are what we all need now.
Take good care,