Self-honesty is a good policy!

Sigmund Freud in an inspired moment once said, “being entirely honest with yourself is a good exercise.”
April is shake it all up month! Truthfully consider why you are not achieving some of your health and lifestyle goals. Do you really and truly not have time to exercise? Come on, there are 24 hours in a day, finding 30–45 minutes may be as simple as putting the alarm on earlier. Why aren’t you losing weight? Calorie count for a day and truthfully add up the total. Does that explain the predicament?
We all want comfort, and we often misleadingly think by avoiding discomfort we are happier. Not true! Pushing yourself outside of your daily cushioned and comfortable routine is the way to achieve your goals. Doing the same old thing every day will give you the same old outcome.
Just once this month we all have to commit (me included) to pushing the boundaries. Run further, walk longer, cut out carbs, learn to meditate. Attend to those areas of your life you truthfully know need a little twigging. Damn, this means I need to find a few new lemon trees to jog by!