RHODIOLA – the Golden Rose of a naturopath’s dispensary!

This relatively new herb to be added to my herbal dispensary is a fantastic adaptogenic herb. It can increase stamina and energy, improve memory, has an anti oxidant effect, alleviates anxiety and has even been shown to reduce high altitude sickness. What more could a naturopath want?!
Rhodiola rosea (R.rosea) commonly referred to as the golden root and rose root belongs to the Crassulaceae plant family and the name rose root refers to the beautiful rose like perfume of the freshly cut root stock.
The mode of action of R.rosea is believed to be via its ability to influence the level and activity of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain stem, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study was performed on 161 cadets aged between 19–21 years, to measure the effect of a single dose of R.rosea extract on their capacity for mental work during times of stress and fatigue. The study showed a pronounced, statistically significant antifatigue effect after the single dose of standardized R.rosea.
An overview of R.rosea found that it increases mental performance, physical working capacity and has a stimulating effect on humans within 30 minutes of administration. This effect continues for at least 4–6 hours.
Patients experiencing adrenal exhaustion, fatigue, and anxiety are guaranteed to find this gorgeous herb in their next delicious herbal mix!