Retox mindfully

After completing your detox, try not to immediately reintroduce coffee, alcohol, processed foods, meat etc. Consider having less, permanently.
Be honest with yourself.
Do you really need two coffees per day? Have one and enjoy it. Commit to less meat, and have at least two vegetarian dinners each week. Think twice before having that second glass of wine, sip the first one slowly, savour it then have a mineral water with a twist of lime. Before you reach for that sweet biscuit after dinner, wait five minutes and then consider whether you really need it?
Or replace it with a fresh date or a piece of fruit.
This strategy will not only ensure we don’t shock our now healthy digestive system with a load of unwanted toxic rubbish, but will also leave our livers in a much improved permanent state of wellbeing. Why undo all our good work? Re-establish eating habits post detox punctiliously and there will be no regrets!