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Restless Leg Syndrome…AKA Ekbom Disease

Restless Leg Syndrome…AKA Ekbom Disease

Ekbom Disease (EKD) which is the new name for RLS or Nocturnal Myoclonus, is a central nervous system disease in which there is a compulsion for leg movement in order to stop unpleasant sensations felt in the lower limbs between the knee and ankle. Some poor patients report suffering as many as 70 episodes per minute! Not conducive for a sound night’s sleep.

Most patients describe it as either a persistent pins and needles type sensation or a “horrible creepy crawly feeling” in the lower legs. Onset commonly occurs from 10.00 pm and persistently awakes sufferers from sleep.

Certain medications including calcium channael blockers, lithium, caffeine and neuroleptics can exacerbate symptoms.

Increased episodes are often noted in patients with diabetes, iron deficiency, peripheral neuropathy, or who are pregnant.

Interesting to note that a study looking at the biochemistry and neurology of 10 EDK patients found deficits in serum magnesium. Magnesium is crucial for regulating the nervous system, and promoting sleep and muscle relaxation.

Vitamin E (800 IU), B9 (400mcg), iron 15 mg and niacin (B3) 400 mcg have also been successfully used to relieve symptoms. Potassium in addition to magnesium (both electrolytes) is also a crucial part of the treatment picture. Regular massage and exercise are also key considerations.

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