
In French this verb means breath. Or more accurately “take a breath”. A worthy consideration.
Jacky, the owner of the only shop in my local village, will frequently say to me when I am there, “Jill vous devez respirer!” And then let out a deep breath to illustrate his advice.
Even though I significantly slow down in rural France, obviously I need to put the brakes on a little more firmly. The pace at which we live our everyday working lives should not be exported! Indeed, we would all benefit from incorporating a little more “respirer” at home as
well as abroad.
Let’s all try to slow down a little, take the pace down a notch or two. Not quite so much dashing about madly filling every moment and even more importantly, let’s also quieten the mind, less rushed and chaotic thinking.
Alors, pour décembre souvenons-nous de respirer!