Positive attitude

There is an old saying, “If you don’t make time for your health now, you had better make time to get sick later”! Habitual justifications and beliefs, such as “I need my afternoon coffee to get me through”, or “I have no time to exercise”, or “all my family members have had a weight problem”, have a nasty way of becoming true the longer you refuse to challenge them.
The key to letting go of this negative procrastination is to confront them. Next time you hear yourself saying for the umpteenth time, “I know I should start an exercise regime, but I just don’t have time” grab that thought and analyse it honestly. Conscientiously prioritise your health and look for solutions. 2014 is a great time to throw that silent saboteur of all things healthy, out of your head space and into the ether! Get rid of that crippling, repetitive inner voice once and for all!
Let’s all embrace the New Year with a positive attitude and a “can do” approach!