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Ping pong dieting – also known as dieting by the day or hour

Ping pong dieting – also known as dieting by the day or hour

The current fad of diets include the 5/2 diet, the 16-hour fasting diet, extreme ketonic diets, the Paleo diet, raw food diet, Dukan diet plus of course the plethora of, ready-to-go pre-made daily calorie-restricted meals. Have we all gone mad?!

Many of these diets result in a slowdown of our metabolic rate due to extreme fasting. Others result in the derangement of healthy gut bacteria and subsequent constipation. Many are just too extreme to remain on for a considered period of time. Most result in rebound weight gain once “normal” eating has resumed.

The key to achievable, systematic and long-lasting weight loss is calorie restriction of 1200–1500 calories per day divided into three meals and two small snacks. No need for rumbling stomachs and constant hunger and then the subsequent binging. Oh no…

A sensible, non-fad weight-loss regime looks like this.

Breakfast – a small bowl of oats with non-fat yoghurt and berries, or 1 slice seeded sourdough or gluten-free bread with eggs and spinach and/or mushrooms and tomato.

Lunch – a large salad with a palm-sized piece of protein (e.g. small chicken breast, 200 g tin of salmon, ½ cup chickpeas etc.)

Dinner – lean protein or 2/3 cup legumes and 5–6 vegetables of varying colours (no white potato or peas) or another salad.

Snacks – either two pieces of fruit, or one piece fruit and one protein snack, such as a boiled egg with a scraping of avocado, or a small can tuna/salmon or two slices tofu.

Ensure to drink two litres of water each day and exercise for 45 minutes five times per week or 30 minutes each day.

Keep a diet diary and aim to lose approximately three kilograms per month. Achievable, enjoyable and most importantly sensible!

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