No waiting

No waiting around this year! No dilly-dallying! No “I’ll start tomorrow!” And definitely no, “I don’t have time!”
Don’t wait, the time will never be right!
Let’s all start today. Resolve to commence one or two things we have been putting off or avoiding for years! It could be to start an exercise regime, lose some weight, drink more water (see right), make time for someone in need, weed the garden, look up and appreciate a sunrise or sunset, give up coffee, pat the dog more often…
Mine is to spend a little time each day to improve my French oral comprehension and to stretch more after exercise.
As a little incentive, the person with the most interesting and thoughtful action plan will win a free naturopathic consultation with me. So seize the moment and send in your anti-procrastination plans!
The winner will be announced in my next newsletter