New Year solutions!

Nobody really likes the idea of resolutions; it has a somewhat gloomy, doomed to failure air to it. But New Year solutions has a positive, can-do appeal!
Let’s just pick one particular situation or health issue which we shall dedicate to solving with enthusiasm. It could be as simple as finding a solution to drinking more water… a decent size attractive water bottle might do the trick! Or exercising more regularly… the solution is to rather unusually… act without thinking!
Yes, no silent, annoying saboteur sneakily persuading you to not get on with it. Up you get and 45 minutes later you won’t regret that early morning brisk walk, swim, gym workout or jog. To solve that perennial problem of too much snacking, decide each day what two small healthy snacks you shall consume and that’s it. Over-snacking problem fixed!
My solution to not writing enough newsletters has been to dedicate Tuesdays to this enjoyable endeavour. So watch out, this remedy may mean a little more reading in your inbox from your naturopath!