New beginnings

There is a palpable sense of new life, vigorous growth and great potential in the spring air. Everywhere we look, there is beauty. Cheery pink cherry blossoms, dazzling blue cornflowers, and bright yellow freesias, all presented to us in a heavenly jasmine-scented spring air!
Best to go with the flow then, and embrace this transformational time, and set new goals.
What area of your life has become a little staid? What needs to change, grow, develop? Does your exercise regime need reviewing (or implementing!), are there dietary choices
which need attention, do you need to adopt a better work–life balance?
My one small aim for this month is (don’t laugh)… to be able to perform ten full pushups. And I’ll be taking Rhodiola to help me achieve this (see overleaf)!
As many of you know I have been focusing on my running for most of the year (and yes, I did achieve the 10 km goal after much huffing and puffing), but now it’s time to tidy up my poor core strength.
What will you choose to work on? The most inspiring spring achievement will win a free consultation with me, so get going (see next article for details)!