Naturopath on holiday!

Yes, it’s that time of year again, I’m off to my beloved France for my yearly top‑up of the French countryside! As many of you know, I have a mild addiction to this stunning country and I find regular visits crucial to my wellbeing!
And this time…how do I put this…best to just blurt it out, I’ll be away a little longer than usual… My last day of practice will be Friday 10th June, returning Tuesday 6th September 2016. No it’s not a typo … a 12 week French sojourn!
If you need a top up or herbs or supplements before I go, please let me know well before 10th June 2016, as although bookings and messages will be taken while I’m away, dispensing will not. Merci!
Consultations in France 2016
I’ll be available for consultations in Paris from Monday 13th June until Wednesday 15th June.
French appointments can be made by contacting me at the clinic before the 10th June on +61 (0) 3 9699 8044, or by email, and from 13th June at the previous email address or, plus French mobile +33 (0) 6 79 41 41 86 or Australian mobile +61 (0) 418 523 860.
All consultations will be an hour in duration and include a detailed health history, thorough dietary analysis, comprehensive iris analysis as well as a tongue and nail diagnosis.