My Kitchen Rules

I’m sure you will all agree that poor health is usually a result of diet (and stress), so let’s make that most delicious room a place from which good health and peace emanates!
Start by having a good look in your kitchen cupboard, and throw out all refined, processed and adulterated products. Preservatives, artificially coloured, flavoured and devitalized foods should be placed in the bin!
Food should be eaten as close to its natural state as possible. Concentrate on seasonal, fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and easily digestible proteins (legumes, eggs, fish). A healthy diet resulting in abundant vitality and sustainable energy should be 80% alkaline (mainly fruits and vegetables) and 20% acidic (most nuts, grains and proteins). Try to make a large percentage of your diet raw and thereby rich in enzymes, cooking and the method of food preparation can destroy anywhere from 10–100% of any given nutrient.
Let’s also make dinner preparation a mini Zen meditation! Concentrate on the task at hand, be mindful of the colours and textures of our ingredients, and be thankful for the richness and abundance of choices at hand.
From our kitchens good things come!