Menopause – no sweat!

Happily I can report great success treating menopausal symptoms using a two or three pronged approach. I attended a most illuminating seminar on menopause recently, and took on board their findings.
I now prescribe a standardised extract of Black Cohosh (and believe me, not all herbal formulas are created equal), plus vitamin E and often with the addition of a similarly well standardised extract of Hypericum. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Indeed in June 2013 a study published in the scientific journal Phytomedicine proved that the herbal extract of Black Cohosh supplement I have been prescribing, demonstrated efficacy and tolerability for the relief of menopausal symptoms.
In this observational study, 442 women with climacteric menopausal complaints were given a high dose of Ze 450 (the herbal supplement used in the clinic) daily for three months. Over this time there was a significant reduction in hot flushes, sweating and insomnia. The women continued to use this supplement for six months, some maintaining the higher dose, others reducing to a lower dose, during which time there was a demonstrated continued relief of menopausal symptoms and the herb was very well tolerated.
Of course, other measures, such as a diet high in lignands (flaxseed) and isoflavones (soy milk, tofu) also helps tremendously. As does sage tea and maintaining a healthy weight.
So never give up, there is always relief for these uncomfortable, debilitating and frequently distressing symptoms of menopause.