Medicinal or poisonous choices

Food is indeed medicine, it can however also be a slow form of poison!
I watched in horror recently while at my local café as a young man sitting on a table outside shovelled down a meat pie and a huge pile of chips, both saturated in tomato sauce with the addition of what must have be a tablespoon of salt, liberally sprinkled on the whole rotten mess. Concurrently he slurped from a can of Coke, and polished his meal off with a Danish pastry. Hmmh!
That is indeed not a meal made in heaven, but sadly he will be meeting his maker far too soon, if he continues to poison himself with such deadly food choices!
If, on the other hand, this young man had chosen the beetroot, pomegranate and spinach quinoa salad and a green smoothie, not only would he have returned to work with a far more comfortable belly, he would also have eaten a truly medicinal meal high in fibre, rich in life-affirming antioxidants and far most aesthetically pleasing to the eye!
A variety of rich colours, and contrasting textures should always be our aim in food as medicine meal choices.
Consider your future before you consider your next meal!!