May 2021

The past year has certainly been a challenge for many. COVID-19, changes to work environments and exercise routines. Uncertainty of lockdowns and border closures… a sense of sameness.
Many have reported feeling flat, unmotivated and frustrated. One of my lovely patients said he felt he was suffering from chronic covid fatigue syndrome. This, I think, sums it up perfectly. So, let’s snap out of this gloomy humdrum and return to a joyful embracement of each day!
Prior to covid, I used to enjoy my morning coffee in bed (only one each day, just in case you are wondering!) with my French grammar book or catching up on recent health research and updates. Beginning the day inspired and illuminated. During covid, I got into a very depressing habit of checking all the news sites for covid and sadly, the latest Trump news. (At least one has disappeared from hogging the news for the time being.) Thus starting my day with a worrisome sense of unease.
That has all now stopped, and I’ve returned to my research papers and French.
A concentration on the little things in our daily lives which bring joy. Listening to the wonderful array of morning birdsong, appreciating the astonishing autumnal sunsets, noting the exquisite beauty of
camellias, begonias and dahlias. And of course, admiring the delightful assemblage of dogs on their daily neighbourhood walk! My daily walk rule means I cannot come home until I have stroked either a whippet, kelpie, greyhound or labrador. And I can delightfully report I have always returned home the same day!
So, let’s change our focus from the bigger picture for a while, and concentrate on the little things around us which provoke a sense of joy, gratitude and purpose.