Magnesium and medication

I have written extensively about this magnificent mineral over the years. Important for energy production, adrenal health, nerve conduction, stress, sleep etc.
But let’s examine magnesium’s role in mood and stress disorders specifically.
There are strong correlations between magnesium status and the incidence of mood-related symptoms. It is well established now, that magnesium has the ability to block the exictory N-methyl-D aspartate receptor and promote the release of the neurotransmitter GABA.
However, magnesium also has an impressive ability to induce relaxation and promote nerve cell health. It can elevate brainderived neurotrophic factor which is responsible for enhancing neuroplasticity and restoring synaptic connections for better nerve cell communication.
Interestingly, magnesium deficiency may be an important reason for poor response to pharmaceutical anti-depressants.
Researchers in the field have concluded that “magnesium preparations with their overall beneficial safety profile seem to be a valuable addition to the pharmacological argumentation for management of depression”.
The best way to supplement with magnesium is to use an amino acid chelate at approximately 150–300 mg of elemental magnesium daily.