Less screen, more green

That is, as well as tearing our eyes away from that computer or iPad screen, let’s disconnect ourselves from our mobiles and iPods and take those earplugs out as well! With this stunning springtime weather, let’s make a concerted effort to get away from these contemporary technological distractions and connect with nature.
Here’s the challenge. Every day for the month of October, we all have to slot in 30 minutes per day away from a screen and/or an earplug! Yes, we can do it!
Try a brisk walk at lunchtime, or after work and get some oxygen to the brain and blood supply to the muscles. Look around you and observe the delightful spring blossoms, the scent of jasmine, listen to the birds chirping, the bees buzzing, the wind whirling…there is a lot going on out there which we barely register when distracted by our screens and other electronic devises.
A month in the French countryside has certainly reinforced for me something we all instinctively know, there is a comforting freedom in truly connecting with Mother Nature…and disconnecting from 21st century forms of communication.