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Jill’s green autumn soup

Jill’s green autumn soup

It is definitely soup weather… hooray!

Nothing easier than preparing a big batch of healthy, hearty soup on a Sunday evening, and freezing portions to provide a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner throughout our glorious but cooler autumnal days.

Zucchini and pea soup with minted yoghurt and seeds…

4 medium zucchini, chopped
1 large leek, white parts only, sliced
3 garlic cloves crushed
200 g frozen peas
3 cups of vegetarian stock
¼ cup mint leaves torn
½ cup natural yoghurt
3 bay leaves
Juice ½ lime
¼ cup mixed seeds toasted

Place 2 tablespoons of olive oil in large saucepan and sauté leek and garlic for 5 minutes or until slightly browned and softened.

Add the zucchini and cook for a further 8–10 minutes. Add the stock and peas and bring to boil.

Reduce the heat, add the bay leaves and season with salt and pepper to taste and simmer for a further 10–15 minutes.

Remove the bay leaves and blend until smoothish.

To serve: Combine yoghurt with juice of half a lime, salt and pepper, sprinkle on two tablespoons of toasted seeds. Top with a few sprigs of fresh mint.

A delicious green delight!

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