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Infection Control

Infection Control
 Many of you have succumbed to my zinc challenge taste test in the past …yes, I can hear the groans!… and sadly many have failed to pass (more on that later).
A zinc deficiency causes a dramatic impairment in the body’s ability to effectively respond to infection. It causes a reduction in the number of Helper T lymphocytes which direct the immune response against viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells. A classic tell tale sign of zinc deficiency is white marks on the finger nails, or a declining sense of taste and smell. Zinc is needed for more than 100 different enzymes, and is also necessary for cellular energy production, adrenal hormones, libido and healthy skin and hair. It is indeed involved in more bodily functions than any other mineral.
A sensible preventative approach this winter, other than taking the delicious zinc tally test, would be to take a high potency vitamin C powder with zinc (approximately 1000 mg of vitamin C and 45 mg zinc). Add to this a herbal mix containing Olive, Andrographis or Echinacea and Elder flower, taking 5 ml twice daily or a tableted equivalent.
It is also important to take a pro-biotic since a large amount of lymphatic tissue is located in the gut and beneficial bacteria are necessary to maintain viable gut immunity. Many studies have confirmed that probiotics decrease the severity and duration of the common cold. Needless to say a healthy diet with a colourful array of seasonal fruit and vegetables is also crucial.
For those who have mysteriously avoided the zinc tally test it basically involves holding 10 ml of liquid zinc in your mouth for 10 seconds, swallowing and describing the taste. “Sweet” or “nothing much” is a guaranteed fail!
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