Immune protection

Many of you will be aware that this winter has been particularly challenging immune-wise. Coughs and colds everywhere. The most important action you can take with the first inkling that a cold or ’flu is about to strike, you know the prodrome signs, slight sore throat, body aching a little, a bit blocked up, is nip it in the bud.
How so?
Firstly take a day off and rest. Soldiering on is not wise. Secondly take at least 2000 mg of vitamin C in small incremental doses. That is 500 mg four times per day. Add to this 45 mg zinc three times per day (always after food) plus a herbal mix such as Echinacea, Andrographis, Elder Flower and White Horehound, 5 ml three times per day. These pre‑emptive strikes will have that virus out of your system before it has time to develop into something more unpleasant.
Also remember to keep your diet light. Warming soups and baked root vegetables (no cold salads), light easily digestible protein, whole grains such as oats and brown rice and at least two litres of water. No dairy and no refined carbohydrates.
Follow these few simple steps and you won’t be delayed in enjoying your daily life for more than a day or so.